the anatomy of designFAIL (part 2)

It only took but a gander to see the breadth of my frustration regarding my surroundings. First of all, I look immediately to my floor in my room and I see that familiar array of clothing and other items scattered throughout the floorspace-- a good portion of the various things I pretend not to notice every day. Let's just leave those out of the equation for now-- at some level they just don't count in this situation-- nothing that I'll ever physically construct will ever keep me from throwing my shit on the ground in moments of convenience.
However, there was plenty to find elsewhere that qualified:

 Not for a moment denying my love of Session; however, I wanted something cool to pattern my door with, but in execution, it's still cardboard. And cardboard is pretty god damn tacky one way or another.

This is the most my blinds will close. My neighbors get a free show twice daily. Perhaps something I'd like to know how to fix.

What are these and why are they still here three weeks after move-in?

So I have two shelving units, one of which I'll end up keeping and one I'll be returning to the store. There's the shitty cheap one from Walmart and the expensive sturdy one from BedBath. Do I really have to choose between shitty and expensive with everything?

I must just be desperate for wall decorations-- an incredibly awkward poster that originated from an ex-roommate of a current roommate. We hung it in the bathroom anyway.

Count the travesties in this picture. First we have the coaxial cable very ungracefully strung across the ceiling. Then there's the parrot picture-- nothing needs to be said. Then the beer bottles across the mantle-- how original, right?

As a consequence of renting our house, we're forbidden from making holes in the walls from which to hang things, etc. Thus my industrial-grade blacklight fixtures sit lonely in the corner of the closet. What a shame.

That's a roof. It's quite broken.

I'm not looking forward to being burned alive in my sleep, so something about the heating unit being precariously close to my bed has me on edge.

The floor is an optimal position for a microwave. At least if the thing has a cord of about 1 foot in length.

 This is perhaps my favorite-- A shoe rack masquerading as a dresser. I'll pretend that was just a clever "repurposing" of material.

Clearly some issues have manifested here. Not that I'm living in squalor or anything, but this was only a small sampling of the things that exist in my environment that clearly just do not work for me on some level. Ideally, I'd love to create my home surroundings completely in my own vision, but the means to do so escape me. With every year that goes by, life grows increasingly complicated, and I've never really given myself the time or devoted the amount of effort necessary to actually catch up to my own organizational and stylistic problem areas. It's clearly time for an overhaul.